Designed in 1964 as a way to empower people, the cubicle was the first of its kind. It was originally designed by Robert Propst, a designer for Herman Miller at the time. In an attempt to improve on the open-bullpen office he was familiar with, Propst studied how people worked.
During his design of the "Action Office," he included a large desk, a phone area, a vertical filing system, and partitions, so workers could have privacy. Further, the desk could be adjusted at varying heights so people could stand while they worked - which, he believed, would improve blood circulation.
Over the years, many cubicle styles and configurations have become available. These are a few of the most popular options.
Uniform (In-Line)
Bullpen (In-Line)
Need more information about Workstations and Cubicles? Visit the Office Furniture Center Space Planning site to learn more!